Pearl-pearled cockatiel female

This is Pearl. She is a female pearled cockatiel 2001 hatch. I will be mating her with Austin in the next couple of weeks.
She isn't old enough to breed yet but I am hoping that they bond and in the next couple of months I will be adding a nest
box to their cage. To tell the difference between male and female cockatiels in the mutation varieties you look at the underside
of the tail feathers. There are bars on the tail feathers of the females and the males are one solid colour. Hopefully between
her and Austin, they will have some beautiful and even tempered babies. They will be posted as soon as they have any along
with the price list.
Austin-male pied cockatiel

This is Austin. He is a male pied cockatiel. He is a very loving and beautiful male. I am sure that when he is paired with
Pearl they will have some nice looking babies. He is quite the singer and loves to serenade Pearl. I have them in separate
cages right now but side by side. In a couple of weeks they will be moving into the breeding cage but it is uncertain as
to when they will breed. I will give them a couple of months before I hang a nest box for them. I want them to bond completely.
At this point they are busy watching Kiwi and Missy fly around the house. Missy is quite interested in both of them and
the fact that they are still in cages. They are being kept in their seperate cages until they are used to their surroundings
and comfortable with the family.