Pacific parrotlets are one of the most fascinating little birds I have ever had the pleasure of raising.
They are easily distinguished between male and female. The blue showing on Tiny's backside and right behind his
eye tells me that he is male. Pebbles has no bright blue on herself. The Pacific parrotlet is a viscious little
fighter if forced but is also a very nice tame bird if hand raised as we do with all of our birds. They are capable
of killing a bird that is much larger than themselves but are also very active little fellows. They love to play with
toys and are constantly amused by anything that has colour. They are only about 4 inches long full grown and are very
quiet little birds. They are definite chewers just like lovebirds and enjoy destroying some of their toys. A swing
is a must for these little guys. They have a nest box in their cage at this time and I am awaiting their spring time
breeding season clock to start. The lower picture is of Tiny and shows his blue markings. I have clipped the wings
of these two in hopes of taming them before they breed and this should slow down the breeding season a little too. The
shock of not being able to fly freely will hinder the breeding desire but they are slowly accepting humans as friends and
it will make the weaning of their babies easier for us.