This is Missy. She doesn't appreciate the camera and should be a movie star because she acts like alot of the cranky movie
stars. But we took the time to take her picture and try and make her look her best even though she thought nap time was more
important. She is a normal grey cockatiel and is very cuddly as long as nap time is not involved. Apparently, she hasn't read
the books on cockatiels that state she should like to be petted because she doesn't. She likes to land on you and sleep just
under your neck but if you touch her to pet her you are in for a fight. Kiwi is her best friend as long as he doesn't interrupt
nap time too. She is slowly learning to talk along with Kiwi. She can be very noisy but we have found that is only when she
wants attention or her toys have bored her and she wants to go to the junk drawer to pick more. I don't advise anyone that
doesn't have a lot of time to spare to get a cockatiel because they require attention and constant changing of scenery. Otherwise
you have a screeching unhappy bird.

Missy is from our second hatch of Al and Peg. She is approximately 6 months old. She has grown to be one of the favourites
in the house and refuses to stay put for anyone. She is just like a kakariki except more noise levels. A kakariki is definitely
quieter and yet she only seems to vocalize when Kiwi is sucking up all of her attention. She is not really trusting of Kiwi
when he is in flight because he doesn't seem to care if he lands on her or not. One of their favourite tricks is to get on
the ceiling fan and push it around. Kinda their own personal carousel.