Jimmy is a cherry headed conure or red masked conure. He is quite the clown but
is also a noisy little fellow in the morning. Anyone investing in one should be aware that they are noisy little creatures.
His favourite thing to do in the morning is to wait until the other birds are making alot of racket and then he starts with
his. He quiets them all down quite quickly by screaming, "Hey, Hey, Hey!" After that last screech of hey most
of my birds are quiet trying to figure out what ruffled his feathers. He is 13 inches long and these pictures don't
really do him justice seeing as he is in the middle of a moult. He has had his wings clipped and loves fruit.
Some of his other words are "Oops", "Hello" and "Hello Jimmy". He has just moved into our home so we are not sure of
just how large his vocabulary is. But we are finding out more and more. He is quite capable of destroying most
toys and loves to interact with the other birds. He doesn't even mind sharing his food with the others as long as they
aren't noisy about things. We supply him with lots of toys and sticks to destroy and he seems to be right on course
with destroying. If you are considering owning one of these fellows be prepared for noise, laughter, and modesty.
Jimmy seems to do his best talking when we aren't in sight and gets himself into some cute positions playing when we appear
to not be watching. He is very destructive to shirts so if you plan on purchasing one of these birds be prepared to
give up your shirt. Jimmy finds a seam and will work for hours tearing it appart. But for his short time in our
home we have found him quite enjoyable and not aggressive towards us or the rest of the flock.