Kiwi is our female kakariki. If you are planning on purchasing a kakariki, I strongly suggest that you get them when they
are still in the nest box. They are not a cuddly bird but they are very intelligent. Kiwi is very independent and yet likes
to visit any one of us whenever she spys something that might intrigue her. She is not a destructive little girl just nosey.
Her interest is not held for any length of time on anything except for bath time and that goes on for quite awhile. The Kakariki
love to bathe and should be offered bathing opportunities daily. Kiwi was taken from the nest box and hand fed. She is definitely
a clown and has a mind of her own. One of her favourite quirks is to land on your head instead of your arm or hand. Her
other favourite game has become duck. She flies directly at your head and if you duck she sits on the window ledge and laughs
her little warbling laugh and waits patiently to do it again. If you don't duck then the game is over. Kiwi has the capability
of talking which we are in the process of working on now. She has begun to say her name quietly in the morning now and is
trying to say "What you doing?"