This is my indoor aviary. The dimensions of this aviary are 6 feet tall by 3 feet wide by 3 feet deep. It was built with both
the bottom and the top section having spring loaded doors to access the nest boxes and the feeding dishes. Both sides open
up the same way. We used a sheet of linoleum for the flooring to make clean up easier. There is an apple branch bolted to
the floor with many toys hanging from it. Inside there are some of the toys that we have made. My birds seem to delight
in the rings that hang from their nest boxes. There are three nest boxes in the upper part of the cage. Each with a sliding
door, so that I can have access to the babies and keep an eye on what is going on. This aviary houses my normal and pied
peachface lovebirds.

This is one of the play gyms that we have built. We can build you one to fit your needs. I also have a play gym that is
just a branch from one of the safe woods to use and is also one of their favourites to sit on. The pictures of Blue and Misty
were taken on the tree stand.
Safe Wood for Perches

This is one of the smaller play gyms we use to interact with our babies. We can custom build these to your specifications
also. Just let us know what you would like and we will try to send you a picture of what we will design and the price of
building it for you. If you live in the area, you can always call ahead and ask to visit. We will share our zoo with you.