I have been building this pond and have had it established for 4 years. It is still a work in progress because I find myself
adding on to it every year. In the summer we take some of the birds outdoors to the gazebo to enjoy the fresh air and the
pond also. I keep both koi and fancy goldfish in these ponds. Some of the fancy goldfish that I keep are pearlscale goldfish,
red cap orandas and calico orandas. The main pond is 13 feet round and 3 feet deep connected to the secondary pond which is
4 feet round by 3 feet deep by a stream that is 15 feet long and 2 feet deep. I started out with the smaller pond and it
has grown to the extent that it has. I find my peaceful hours out in the gazebo enjoying the falls and watching the fish.
Of course, I can't forget our dwarf rabbits. This is a picture of our doe, Flash. She is litter trained and is
kept indoors at all times. She has a tendency to escape the confines of the house if the dog knocks the door open but we
have found that she makes a circuit of the pond and stops to visit with the buck we keep outside. I mate her and have been
selling her babies for awhile now too. If you are interested in dwarf rabbits please contact me for availability.