is around 91/2 yr old to the best of my knowledge. He is very affectionate,
will only bite when you try to force him to do something. He comes out of his cage a lot but prefers to stay with someone,
he can be clingy. He prefers to play with a block of wood with holes drilled in it and some screws or nails rather then his
toys which he NEVER bothers with. Give him a ball that rattles to chase on the floor and he is happy. He loves broccoli, cauliflower,
corn (niblets or cob / cooked or raw) peanuts, cooked pieces of potato, apples, oranges, well, pretty well any food including
beef & chicken. He is not fussy on peanut butter. He loves to shower and prefers to be on a mat because he does summersaults
while you spray him and if you tell him to get his bum washed he pulls his tail feathers up to cover his bum and lifts his
butt off the floor and almost stands on his head..so spray some moreCasper ignores the others
until they block his path and he will chase them out of the way. He refuses to go around them. and he rolls until
you drench him and he still wants more.
He can be a noisy little bugger when he knows I am awake but you got to forgive him for that.
He knows who the play toy and sucker in the family is. He is content to play and steal buttons from my old shirts.
Share my food and just generally be with me at all times. He like all other cockatoos has to be entertained or they
become self destructive or just generally destructive. Cappy is quite content to be with me and have me pet him.
The dog and him play games together all the time which is kinda fun to see. His intelligence is amazing. I will
be adding a video of him soon showing how he learned to use a spoon to drink from. Its a coffee cup but its actually
not coffee but it resembles it if i put in enough juice and coloring. So we share our morning drinks. He plays
well by himself in his cage and on the floor and when bored walks down to the bedrooms to find me or kitchen. Its just
like having a second dog except he makes a bow every time he enters the room. He is by far my biggest sponge and my
favourite. It is so nice to pet him and have him respond so well. I had him flown in from a woman in New Bruinswick
that had him before me and he was a loving man minute he stepped from his crate. I definitely love him although he can
yell whatcha doing quite loudly and come on. He can be very noisy if he wishes but most of the time is quite quiet
and content. Only trouble I have is visitors and its because they are not used to him flying right to them and since
that happened few times I have put him away until he gets the idea that these people are not here to necessarily see me.
And once he is calm I let him out and show off his tricks which he bows after each time as usual to allow for clapping and
then is content to sit with me.