Lineolated parakeets are fairly unknown in the petshop world and most people see parakeet and refuse to look at them because
the first thing that comes to mind is a budgie. These little guys are nothing like budgies. They can be trained to talk
and quite friendly and again a great bird if taken from the nest and hand tamed. Like kakarikis, they are excellent apartment
birds or for someone that wants little noise. The only noises that I have heard from there are clicking noises and quiet
warbles. They are not a strong flier like the kakariki. They prefer to climb rather than fly and everything they do appears
to be in slow motion. Their diet is that of a parakeet. Fighters they are not and should be kept separate from ill mannered
birds. They will not fight to defend themselves. Lineolateds sit in a strange position which shows in my pictures. If frightened,
they do not fly about but rather freeze where they are. These two are a pair of normal green but they come in a variety of
colours. There are mauve, blue, olive and yellow which all carry a higher price tag. The female has just a small bit of
black on her tail and the male has black half way up the tail so they can be visually sexed. The size of their heads is also
an indicator of their sex. The male having the larger head. I have hung a nest box for these two and hope to have some nicely
hand tamed babies to offer soon. I am also expanding to another pair that have split genes and will be able to offer different